on sale


on sale 的定义

  1. At a reduced price, as in These rugs have been on sale for a month. The use of sale for disposing of goods at lowered prices dates from about 1860.

on sale 近义词

on sale

等同于 procurable

on sale

等同于 cheap

on sale

等同于 low-cost

on sale

等同于 economical

on sale

等同于 cheaply

更多on sale例句

  1. Just the hard-on before you shoot unarmed members of the public.
  2. Three on-the-record stories from a family: a mother and her daughters who came from Phoenix.
  3. You just travel light with carry-on luggage, go to cities that you love, and get to hang out with all your friends.
  4. It was a brick wall that we turned into the on-ramp of a highway.
  5. Could the (thus far) timid trembling give way to a full-on, grand mal seizure?
  6. He conceived an idea of securing agents among the colored people, and in that way effect a good sale.
  7. Fruit-trees are clearly too scarce, though Cherries in abundance were offered for sale as we passed.
  8. He continued its sale, however, as a kingly monopoly, allowing only those to engage in it who paid him for the privilege.
  9. The duty on importation had been only twopence per pound, a moderate sum in view of the prices realized by the sale of it.
  10. I drew back from the rim of Writing-On-the-Stone, that set of whispered phrases echoing in my ears.